Street vendor outside Benito Juarez Park, San Miguel de Allende. Teatro Juarez, Guanajuato December 15 I am on a flight from Tampa to Guadalajara, Mexico. This is something of a miracle since I learned, when I came to check in, that in my rush to leave St Pete I’d brought an expired passport. The Lyft driver who showed up to drive me home to get the correct passport spoke no English, so communicating the
Saturday, November 10th, dawned sunny and warm–a perfect day for a workshop during which I planned for us to move between my studio and my spacious back deck. As one of the participants, Kim Stoneking, described it: “Rose Marie’s Fall Day-Long Altered Book Workshop began with tea and coffee over introductions on her back deck. To get us started, Rose Marie led us in a warm-up exercise inspired by the Exquisite Corps Games she’d recently participated in.
A Busy Season!
Category: Blog, Newsletters
Greetings all! So far, its been a very busy Fall season. It started in October with an exhibition at Hillsborough Community College, Dale Mabry Campus. The title is “FOUNDATIONS: An Art Exhibition Celebrating HCCs 50th Anniversary“. I am honored to have my painting in their Permanent Collection on display outside the Dean’s office. The HCC Ybor City Campus Art Gallery and the Dale Mabry campus gallery present a collaborative exhibition of visual art. It features selections
Autobiographical Altered Book Workshops and an Exhibition
Category: Blog, Books, Exhibitions, Grants, Workshops
I received a grant from the Saint Petersburg Arts Alliance,* to teach Free Autobiographical Altered Book workshops in St Petersburg. The first three hour workshop was at Creative Clay, the second at the Dr. Carter G. Woodson African American Museum and the third at the St Petersburg Museum of History. I volunteered to teach a fourth workshop with Voices of Hope for Aphasia. Over sixty people attended the workshops, not counting the many attendees at the introductory event organized by Bella Unica and held at
What a summer it’s been! The high point was a residency of two blissful weeks in July at the Moulin à Nef, an artists’ retreat in Auvillar, France. It’s run by the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts where I’ve had a couple of residencies in the past (at least one residency at the VCCA is a prerequisite for attending the Moulin à Nef). One of France’s 100 most beautiful villages, the photographs here give only a hint