I am looking forward to working with students at Hampshire College in Massachusetts in October. As a visiting artist, I will work with students to draw and paint local plants and animals as part of the Sustainability course which is co-taught by professors in the sciences, and an artist. The focal point of our final product, a large collaborative painting, destined, I hope, for a new campus building, will be a tree on campus known
While I have done hundreds of residencies as an Artist-in-Residence with the New Mexico Arts Commission, VSA New Mexico and Florida and the Virginia Commission for the Arts, working with people of all ages and abilities, in institutions ranging from elementary schools to colleges to Navajo reservations, and even prisons on occasion, some of my most memorable residencies were collaborations with Linda Piper. Linda Piper, Tampa, 2014 Linda and I worked as Artists-in-Residence in New
In the fall of 2009 I worked, with the assistance of a local artist, Michelle Stone, on a project for the Greater Palm River Community Development Corporation whose mission is to build a better community by investing in children and families. Together with several adults and teens with whom we were to work, Michelle and I attended a performance of South African playwright Athol Fugard’s”My Children! My Africa!” at a Tampa theater. For many this was
Miriam Beerman: Expressing the Chaos
Category: Blog, Other Artist
I wrote this piece about the new documentary film Miriam Beerman: Expressing the Chaos, with the help of my assistant, Amanda Staunko, and the film maker, Jonathan Gruber. I met Miriam Beerman in the late 1990s when I was employed as an administrator at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, an artist retreat nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains where visual artists, writers, composers, and choreographers come to work without the interruptions
Attention Members: Want to get feedback on your artwork AND enjoy a meal with like-minded people all in the same evening? Bring your favorite dish and up to two artworks and join us as our Morean instructors facilitate a discussion of the work. Come and see what other artists in the area are doing, and get good advice on your own work. How to participate: On the evening of the event, bring your dish, up