December 15, 2021
Fall News 2021
Current Exhibitions

“In the Beginning…”(detail) at the opening reception of the Creative Pinellas Arts Annual 2021
If you live in the Tampa Bay Area, do go visit the
Gallery at Creative Pinellas in Largo for the final few days of the Arts Annual 2021. Over thirty award-winning artists are represented in this exciting and diverse exhibition. I am honored to be among them.
The Gallery at Creative Pinellas is at 12211 Walsingham Rd, Largo, FL 33778. The Arts Annual is on view through Sunday, December 19th.
This is a piece about my work in the Creative Pinellas Arts Annual. It’s included in Creative Pinellas’ online magazine:
From time to time throughout my career I have explored sculpture. However, these sculptures represent a new beginning.
For a long time after the sudden death of my son I was unable to make art. Inspiration left me. During that time I published a book, A Leaf in the Wind: Poems by Jaro Majer, Artwork by Rose Marie Prins, with my son’s poems and my watercolor and Sumi ink images. The book was part of my grief therapy.
Then, early in 2021, I started playing (yes, playing is the right word) with found objects in my studio. First I created “Untitled (Yearning…).” This was followed by “In the Beginning…” and “Filipino Rain Dancer.” More pieces from this series are evolving in my studio. I can only describe the process as freeing—I am being freed from the constraints of inconsolable grief. I know that a part of me will always grieve for my son, but gradually I have come to accept my loss.

“In the Beginning…,” mixed media with found objects and antique hot type in frame

View of my sculptures in the Gallery at Creative Pinellas

“Filipino Rain Dancer” sand from the Philippines, and antique hubcap and mixed media

Untitled (Yearning…,) found objects and mixed media
Also, I have two works in an exhibition entitled Solstice, in the Tully Levine Gallery at the
ArtsXchange in the Warehouse Arts District, St. Petersburg. It is open until December 31st.

As Each Moon Passes, a-one-of-a-kind artist’s book, bamboo spines, eco-prints with foil on mulberry paper.

The artist’s book on the table and the square piece on the wall with the large teak leaf are mine. The artist book is entitled As Each Moon Passes; a-one-of-a-kind artist’s book, bamboo spines, eco-prints with foil on mulberry paper.

Terra Firma with Teak Leaf on mulberry paper with charcoal, Sumi ink and soil from the Garonne River in France. I picked the leaf at the Sanskriti Kendra in New Delhi, India.
Morean Art Center Sweet Seasons Holiday Show
The Morean Art Center’s Sweet Seasons, Holiday Show and Sale continues until December 31. I have two small collagraphs in the show.
A Leaf in the Wind: Poems by Jaro Majer, Artwork by Rose Marie Prins is available in the Morean’s gift shop. So too are digital prints on watercolor paper of the colorful images in our book. The book and prints would make great holiday gifts!
As many of you already know, my son passed away suddenly in 2016 leaving behind a stack of devotional poems from which I selected twenty-one of my favorites to include in
A Leaf in the Wind. Both the book and the prints are also available on my
Fall Day-Long Mixed Media Workshop
My Fall Day-Long Mixed Media Workshop was on Saturday, November 6. The day dawned overcast and chilly. Luckily there was no rain so we were able to meet, as usual, on my back deck for introductions over tea and coffee. Our warm up exercise related to the theme of the workshop—transformation. We divided into pairs and each did a blind contour drawing of one of their partner’s eyes. After discussing how one can tell there’s been a transformation in someone without them saying a word, we agreed that the first sign was the light in their eyes. After all, the eyes are the window of the soul!
Blind contour drawings complete, we each handed the drawing of their eye to our partner. After moving into my studio, each did a drawing of their other eye, this time looking into a mirror. The final part of the assignment was to integrate the two drawings and, using any medium, create a resolved work of art.
After lunch each artist worked on her own creative mixed media project whike I gave individual feedback and discussed various media and techniques.
The day ended with a final critique on my deck. Here are excerpts of some of my students’ comments at the end of the day: “Divine feminine energy was present,” “A great workshop; well paced, informative–transformational,” “Perfect–sharing wisdom with individual focus that the entire group can benefit from.”
Above are participants: Christina Lavery Caruso, Amanda Staunko, Karen Riffe and Kimberly Franklin

Back row: Asha Arden, Karen Riffe, Christina Lavery Caruso Front row: Alena Nistyuk, Kimberly Franklin, Florence Durand-Schumann
A Trip to North Carolina
Thanks to my kind and generous hosts, I had a wonderful time exploring Marshall, Asheville and the hills and mountains beyond during mid October. And I finally got to visit Penland School of Craft. I’ve heard many reports of it from artists over the years; it was good to see it for myself. Also, we visited the Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Wherever I went I saw an abundance of wild life. Deer and wild turkeys scattered as I walked along the hilly road on the 100 acre farm where I was staying. I even spent a few hours assisting with log-splitting at the barn on the farm.
During my short stay in North Carolina, I watched with wonder as the leaves turned from green to reds, oranges and golds. As someone who, for over twenty years, has lived in Florida where there is no fall or spring, the sight was magical. It brought back memories of Autumns spent in Virginia and New Mexico.
Above: Scenes of the farm where I stayed, Penland School of Craft, and Asheville
My Painting Course at the Morean Arts Center

Some of my painting students and I enjoyed an end-of-year potluck on Friday afternoon after our final painting class of 2021. The weather was balmy and the food was delicious!
Now winter is approaching and Winter Session One of my six week Beginning/Intermediate Painting Course starts again the week of January 3 at St Pete’s Morean Arts Center. Join me on either Tuesday evenings 7 to 9:30pm, or Friday mornings 10am to 12:30pm. Learn to paint with oils, watercolors, acrylics or mixed media. Sign up online or by calling 727-822-7872. I have students who have attended my painting course for almost two decades—so I must be doing something right!
Tags:Fall-Day Long Mixed Media Workshop, Gallery at Creative Pinellas Arts Annual exhibition, Morean Arts Center's Sweet Seasons holiday show, My Painting Course at the Morean Arts Center, North Carolina