Scenes from My Fall Mixed Media Workshop
The Fall Mixed Media Workshop was a full day of art, creativity, and conversation in my studio and on my back deck in the still lush surroundings of my garden. Our morning started with introductions over tea and coffee on my back deck. After discussing the ways the word “fall” is used (as in free fall, fall in love, fall from grace, etc.) we did a warm up exercise in which we paired with a partner to do a blind contour drawing of each other. After our ice breaker, we experimented with cyanotype prints. Happily, we had beautiful sunny weather for the morning (and for most of the day) so our prints developed crisp and clear.
Participants then went into the studio and began working on their own projects guided by my suggestion that they start with the medium with which we were least familiar. After the morning’s work, we returned to the back deck for a delicious lunch of squash, sage and onion soup, garden salad, fresh baked bread, and pizza. Then back to the studio to complete the morning’s projects while I gave individual instruction to each artist. The day ended with a discussion of various media and techniques and a final critique on the back deck. Then the rains came!

Blind contour drawing on the back deck

Dee and Erika working on blind contour drawings

Greg working on a collage on the back deck

Pamela choosing fabric for her collage

Linda creating a page for her artist’s book

Allison adding torn red paper to her collage

Karen and Erika woking on collages in the studio

Janet completing an acrylic painting and Christina working on a mixed media collage

In my studio helping Janet mix the right color for her acrylic painting

Lunch and conversation on the back deck

Janet sharing her blind contour drawing and cyanotype image

Participants’ collages and embellished blind contour drawings

Critique on the back deck

Linda sharing her mixed media collage during the critique

Karen explaining elements of her collage during the critique

Scenes from my Fall Mixed Media Workshop
Some of the participants’ comments at the end of the workshop:
“Thank you Rose Marie, for the opportunity to meet such interesting and talented people. I was surrounded by genius all day long. Can’t wait for classes to start in January! Keeps me trying new things!”
“It got me back into a creative groove”
“Mind Expanding! Thank you for another inspiring, healing, soothing and utterly pleasant day. Everyone loved the workshop. I saw how people blossomed when you commented positively about their work…Another fabulous workshop under your belt.”