
Current Exhibitions “In the Beginning…”(detail) at the opening reception of the Creative Pinellas Arts Annual 2021 If you live in the Tampa Bay Area, do go visit the Gallery at Creative Pinellas in Largo for the final few days of the Arts Annual 2021. Over thirty award-winning artists are represented in this exciting and diverse exhibition. I am honored to be among them. The Gallery at Creative Pinellas is at 12211 Walsingham Rd, Largo, FL

Rose Marie Prins: Bound Crosses and Boundary Crossings at Studio Grand Central

Posted by admin on  September 29, 2021
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Category: Blog, Exhibitions
When I first arrived in the United States I had something of an identity crisis. In my home country, South Africa, I had owned a trendy and successful women’s fashion boutique called Roses. In Johannesburg I was Rose of Roses! At the San Francisco Art Institute, where I had recently arrived to get a BFA in Painting, I was just another first year art student. In an attempt to connect myself to my South African
July flew by! Most of it was consumed by preparing for a trip to New Mexico and then, of course, catching up on all the things I’d neglected to do while I was away. One exciting piece of news is that the book that I published a year ago was included in the July news letter of my alma mater, The Union Institute and University. See below: Welcome to Authors of Union, highlighting our many published authors
So far, this spring has turned out to be very busy! Saturday morning April 17th dawned cloudy but fortunately, while we were protected from the sun by cloud cover, there was no rain. We’ve been blessed–very rarely has it rained on one of my Day-Long Mixed Media Workshops. The workshop participants carried their art supplies along an orchid-bedecked path to my studio–a converted garage in the garden at the back of my home. Then, with

A Leaf in the Wind Virtual Book Signing and Poetry Reading

Posted by admin on  January 18, 2021
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Category: Blog, Books
  Since the arrival of several boxes of the paperback version of A Leaf in the Wind: Poems by Jaro Majer, Artwork by Rose Marie Prins, I’ve been busy in spite of the limitations imposed by the pandemic. I have packed, shipped, or hand-delivered dozens of copies of our book.     The response has been at times moving, at times enlightening, but invariably rewarding. Here’s just a sampling of what some of the readers